5 Resume Writing Tips When You’re Planning A Career Switch
Statistics show that professionals change jobs an average of around 12 times over the course of their work-life, spending around five years or less in each position. If you too are feeling that itch of switching careers, you’re not alone.

Workforce challenges for the oil & gas sector in India
Like any other industry, a skilled workforce is essential for the oil and gas sector to thrive. However, there are many challenges currently being faced by the industry in the field of human resources

Here’s All You Need To Know About AarviEncon
AarviEncon was founded in 1987 by Virendra M. Sanghavi. From the beginning, our focus was on two major offerings namely, recruiting technical manpower and O&M (Operations and Management). Headquartered in Mumbai, Aarvi has spread its presence all over India in Chennai, Ahmedabad, New Delhi, and Baroda.

7 Reasons Why Aarvi Encon is the ideal destination for both job-seekers & recruiters
Whether you’re a job-seeker or a recruiter, the main concern is basically the same, to search for a long-term solution that can add value to your lives. We, at Aarvi endeavor, to provide the best solutions & bridge the gap between a recruiter & a job-seeker.

5 Mistakes That Job-Seekers Must Avoid While Job-Hunting
In today’s competitive hiring market, job seekers need to continuously upgrade themselves & learn from their mistakes to suit new job prospects. So if you’re looking for a new job, or maybe just a better job, try to avoid these mistakes, to ensure your search is efficient and successful
Things To Do After Quitting Your Job
You’ve put down your papers. You’re looking forward to a new job and you probably already have the new job in hand, but you have a notice period to serve. How do you go about it?
Human Resource
Industry experts and academia need to come together and produce curriculum to teach new skills which are relevant to jobs in these times.” Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions, Stores Management, Spare Parts Inventory and Record Keeping
Out Of Sight, But Not Out Of Mind – Ensuring Retention of Workforce In Remote Locations
For any business, big or small, the staff is the pillar that holds it together. Many a times, it is these members who carry out the toughest of tasks. Think about the miners and factory workers who are faced with many-a-risk in their daily jobs.
Top 10 things to do after landing in Middle East
Middle East is geographically that region where Europe, Asia and Africa meet. Geographically it is a bit difficult to define modern Middle East but socially it mainly comprises of the Muslim dominant populated countries. The counties are, U.A.E. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan Syria, Iraq and Iran, Turkey and Egypt.
How to get jobs in Middle East
No, we shall not give you the general age old advices about how you should prepare your resume and attach a cover letter introducing yourself. But this is about the way to find jobs and attract employers in Middle East to hire you. This is not similar to finding jobs in Europe or USA
Natural Gas pipelines in India
India as a nation does not have a very well developed domestic natural gas pipeline infrastructure as of present day, in comparison to some of the developed nations across the globe.
Aarvi Encon wins “SME Business Excellence Awards 2014”
We are pleased to inform you Aarvi Encon has been winner of “SME Business Excellence Awards 2014” organized by Times Group, Federal Bank and D&B.
Oil Refining in India
The Asia Pacific region caters to the largest oil refineries of the world. India itself hosts the largest refinery complex which is followed by nations like Venezuela and South Korea.